i can remember loving decorating our tree when i was a kid, and seeing all the boxes of the ornaments we got each year, and hearing about the ornaments my parents got before my sister and i were born....there's one for their first christmas, and a ceramic crawfish from a trip they took to new orleans.
so i want that for my kids too...when we have them. in several years. we bought a glass evil eye from greece on our honeymood, and a tiny ceramic pair of clogs from the airport in amsterdam...so now we plan to get them anytime we go somewhere.
i've also thought of making some of you lovely ladies buy me fun ornaments from far away =)
anyhoo, the hubs and i hot up hallmark this weekend, cuz i had coupons....and here's what we brought home.

if you want to do some hallmark shopping of your own....how's about $5 off a $5 purchase?!
How 'bout I send you one from a far away place called "Atlanta" Lol. But it's a cute idea! Last year, we ended up buying a glass snowmen ornament and writing on it "our first christmas as mr. and mrs 2008" on it, since all the others just said "our first christmas".
The kissing fish are soo cute!
I love ornaments from different places too. Those two are very cute!
We get ornaments on our trips too. It makes the tree fun to look at with lots of different stuff!
I love the mish mash of ornaments. I have some on my tree from when I was a wee little thing, up until now. Its so much fun opening them up every year isn't it?
I love your ornaments! I don't have matchy ornaments either. I love ornaments that tell the story of our lives or ornaments that are just ridiculously cute! :)
oh man, i'm a same ornaments tree kind of girl. the different ornaments look cool too but i would have a second tree for that. i'll wait until i have a kid which may be a while. lol.
I'm SO tempted to go hunt down that fishy ornament. Super cute. I always get sucked in by Hallmark ornaments. They're silly expensive, but I can't resist!
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