see, we met on the knot, bastion of snarky brides and wayyyyyy too much bling to ever be classified as "classy", and more women who claim their favorite color is tiffany blue than you've ever seen in one place.
but despite all the crazies...we found each other, combined our snarky comments for good (at least good for our amusement, maybe not for the collective good attitude of the planet), and bazillions of texts and BBMs and phone calls later...she's my homegirl.
and this lady is about to take the wedding world by storm. for realz. see, by the time you read this, her gorgeous creations that up until now have been solely online, at her etsy shop, will be brick and mortar-ing it ya'll. my girl's absolutely fan-freaking-tastic creations will be featured at atlanta's own Paisley Umbrella.
stuff like this bout....

and more importantly....how can i talk the hubs into another wedding, because this...
NEEDS to be in my bling-loving hand. NEEDS. TO. BE.
my only issue with miss ashley is that she didn't get into her passion of brooch bouquets until AFTER i was married. cuz you better believe...i'd have had this in a heartbeat.
so if any of you are brides-to-be, and want something people will talk about for YEARS, in the best way possible....please hit her up. because she SOOOO deserves great things to come of this side-project turned full-on life goal.
LIFE GOAL YO. i need one. i want one. i want to find something that makes me as happy as this makes ashley. i want her to be proud of me the way my heart swells when i hear her latest round of good news, because this woman DESERVES it. all of it.
plus, when she's rich i'll make her let me tag along =)
plus, any mom who's first photo of her daughter looks like this...

that's my internet niece, debuting in december =)
That fascinator is FABULOUS. Your internet sister is very talented.
I, too, was a snarky fixture on the Knot for a long time. Occasionally I still read the madness over there, but I don't really post anymore. I've made a couple close friends from that site though!
Oh my goodness, thank you my lovely!!! This is just so sweet! And you KNOW I'm serious about you living with me in a land filled with bling and delicious cheese and feathers and pinot.
It shall be so.
I love you. xoxo.
I love that the blogging world is so connected. Sounds like you two have formed a great relationship :)
The broach bouquet is ah-mazing!!
And what a darling baby pic!
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