if you're an only child, you might not understand this post. but if you're like me, and you've been blessed with siblings, especially sisters....you'll get it.
my little sis is not my best friend. never has been, never will be. because we're SISTERS. our bond is totally different than friendship...cuz she's gonna be my sister forever. friends break up, friends become enemies....but my sis will NEVER not be related to me.
we're 4 years apart, so we didn't really start being grown-up friends at all until i left for college...sure we played as kids, but we also fought like crazy.
now that we're close...i want it to always be that way.
who else but a sister can you convince to try on HORRID shiny leggings at target after wedding dress shopping?
anyways...this is the text i get from her last night...."James is officially registered to be a student at texas tech next spring....pew pew, pew pew pew!"
the "pews" are gunshot noises....texas tech is the red raiders. it's funnier in person.
but what's NOT funny is that texas tech is IN TEXAS. and yes, that's where james, the boyfriend is from. the boyfriend i can barely stand, for all his stereotypical ranger douchiness.
yes, he's a military man....and i hate it. i live in a military town...and i've lived my WHOLE life seeing dudes act like they're hot shit because they SIGNED UP TO DO A JOB. bravo sir...if you want to get applause for doing your job....be a pageant queen. don't act like because you're 19 and in basic training you've saved anyone's life.
what am i supposed to do if my ONLY sister moves hundreds of miles away?
it's not just the moving...it's the moving for him. for the boy who she's broken up with at least 5 times since the hubs and i started dating. the boy she's moved back into my parents house after fights at least 5 times too.....only to get back together a few days later.
if she was moving for herself...i'd still be sad, but i'd be proud of her. right now, even with not knowing if she's going....it just pisses me off.
this is the laugh i want to see on her all the time...and i don't with this dude. plus, he's got a kid AND a bat-shit crazy ex-wife. who stalks her on facebook, so she doesn't have an account....WHAT 23 YEAR OLD SHOULD HAVE TO NOT HAVE FACEBOOK BECAUSE OF HER BOYFRIEND'S EX-WIFE?! plus, they get into fights about facebook.
WHO GETS INTO FIGHTS ABOUT FACEBOOK?! this is not true life.
she is SO MUCH better than this moron. but she's my sister...i can't tell her he's a loser. she's stubborn, she'd never listen anyways.
and what about when the hubs and i start for real talking about kids? i spent my WHOLE life with my closest family only a 30 minute drive away, if that long...it's gonna suck if aunt robin is a plane ride away, instead of just a quick roadtrip.
anyone else hate their sibling's significant other?